ABSTRACT: A study on bryophytes from different habitats in Garajonay National Park was made. In 2462 subplots from systematic sample plots and 523 collection points from non-systematic sample plots, a total of 197 bryophyte species (125 mosses, 69 liverworts and 3 hornworts) were identified. Among these, 158 had been recorded previously for the Park. Seventeen were new records to the island of Gomera. The study shows a high â-diversity, especially related to the diversification of habitats and type of forest. The presence of roads, tracks and paths does not produce impoverishment of the local biodiversity, but rather a substitution of the characteristic species of
forest habitats to those more adapted to this type of environment, especially terricolous bryophytes. There is a low substrate (soil, rock and trunk) and habitat specificity in the cloud forest analysed, this is increased in open areas, especially soil and rock. The highest number of species was found in the ericaceous forest with a maximum mist precipitation values and high basal area of trees, and in laurel forest with high tree biodiversity. The former was especially rich in terricolous species, while the laurel forest with a high phorophyte diversity and abundance of Laurus azorica had the highest number of epiphyte species. Keywords: bryophytes, cloud forest, microhabitats, biodiversity
RESUMEN: Se ha realizado un estudio de briofitos en distintos habitats del Parque Nacional de Garajonay. En 2462 muestreos de parcelas sistematicas y 523 estaciones de recoleccion de parcelas dirigidas, se ha identificado un total de 197 especies de briofitos (125 musgos, 69 hepaticas y 3 antocerotes), de las cuales 158 habian sido citadas previamente para el parque y 39 corresponden a nuevos hallazgos para este territorio (entre ellos 17 son ademas nuevos para
la isla de La Gomera). El estudio muestra que en el Parque Nacional de Garajonay existe una elevada ?À-diversidad determinada principalmente por la diversificacion de microhabitats que presenta y la variacion del tipo de bosque. La presencia de pistas, carreteras y senderos no parece contribuir a un empobrecimiento de la biodiversidad local, sino que se produce una sustitucion de especies caracteristicas de habitats forestales por otras tipicas de estos
ambientes alterados, especialmente especies terricolas. Existe una baja especificidad de sustrato (suelo, roca, tronco) y de habitat en los bosques de monteverde.