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Sinopsis: Recent discoveries across the whole of the electromagnetic spectrum have revolutionised the study of cutting-edge astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology. Many of these have been driven by new technologies and instruments on the most powerful astronomical facilities. The topics discussed will include exoplanets and star formation, the observation of black holes, the detection of extremely distant galaxies not long after their formation, the precision determination of cosmological parameters and the discovery of gravitational waves. These great advances create as many new problems for fundamental physics and astrophysics as they solve old ones. The lecture will be profusely illustrated and delivered at the non-technical level.
Autor: Prof. Dr. Malcolm Longair (Universidad de Cambridge), también profesor Regio de Astronomía en la Universidad de Edimburgo, ha sido director del Observatorio Real de la misma ciudad, y director del laboratorio de Cavendish desde 1997 hasta 2005. Aparte de numerosos trabajos de investigación, es autor de ocho libros especializados en Astrofísica y Cosmología, con un enorme impacto en toda la comunidad científica en estos campos.